
Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution

Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution | thread lift in Brisbane

Fancy achieving a rejuvenating appearance the easy way? Look no further than the advanced Aptos Thread Lift. With a minimally invasive, non-surgical thread lift in Teneriffe, there’ll be no scarring and virtually no downtime. The results redefine aging contours with long-lasting and natural results.

Read on to discover all the benefits of thread lifts and how they are integral to the anti-aging revolution.

A Non-Surgical Facelift

Thread lifts are becoming more popular because they offer similar benefits to a surgical procedure but without the risk or expense. There are also no worrying and prolonged recovery times involved.

Optimum results can last up to five years. That makes them an attractive option for those unsure about a more permanent surgical facelift.

How a Thread Lift in Teneriffe Works

Because thread lifts are so straightforward, some people call them lunchtime lifts. They’re ideal for those heading into middle age who want to reduce some of the physical effects of getting older.

The sooner you can address ageing issues, the easier they are to treat. A thread lift offers a solution to wrinkles on the forehead, early loosening of the skin, excessive under-eye skin, heavy eyebrows and unsightly jowls.

Immediate Benefits

Although this kind of non-surgical facelift can lift more than one area of the face or body, your focus may be on just one particular issue. The Aptos procedure uses medical-grade absorbable threads with multidirectional barbs to lift and stabilise sagging skin.

You’ll experience immediate lifting and contouring and benefit from continuous collagen and elastin formation for ongoing skin tightening. The clever process leads to greater support that firms up and regenerates sagging skin.

The procedure typically involves using local anaesthetic, and recovery time is minimal. Depending on your expectations and the issues involved, you may need more than one treatment.

Aside from facial areas, a thread lift can also be effective on other parts of the body. These include:

  • The neck for tightening and smoothing
  • The arms and hands for tightening and rejuvenating
  • The abdomen, knees and inner thighs to reduce sagging
  • The chest area for improved skin texture and firmness

Preparing for an Aptos Thread Lift

Although a thread lift in Teneriffe is non-surgical, you will need to follow a few steps to ensure the procedure goes smoothly. You may, for example, have to:

  • Stop smoking
  • Begin taking a particular medication or alter your current ones
  • Refrain from using anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements or aspirin

During the procedure, the threads get inserted through tiny entry points, which will typically disappear over the following days. The threads will gently pull back the facial skin and muscle for a more youthful appearance in any given area.

You’ll notice a visible difference immediately, but it can take up to eight weeks to see optimum results. You’ll be able to continue with your usual activities straight away. You may experience some minor swelling, but it will settle down over the following few days.

Thread Lift in Teneriffe Aftercare

We recommend refraining from vigorous exercise for at least a week after your non-surgical facelift. Sleeping on your back will also reduce the impact of any swelling you may experience.

You should also wash or cleanse your face gently to reduce the chance of disturbing the threads. You mustn’t massage or rub the affected areas for at least four weeks. There will be follow-up appointments to attend, too, to check on your progress.

Book Your Aptos Thread Lift Today

One of the key benefits of thread lifts at Body Dezign House is that you’ll be in the safe hands of Dr Fatemeh Asadi. She performs all the Aptos Thread Lift procedures. These usually take 30-40 minutes to complete.

Dr Asadi is a certified Aptos trainer and one of Brisbane’s most eminent cosmetic doctors. Contact Body Dezign House today for the most effective thread lift in Teneriffe.


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Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution | thread lift in Brisbane

Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution

Fancy achieving a rejuvenating appearance the easy way? Look no further than the advanced Aptos Thread Lift. With a minimally invasive, non-surgical thread lift in Teneriffe, there’ll be no scarring and

Body Dezign House | A Leading Cosmetic Clinic in Brisbane

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